A Montessori elementary school in Grand Rapids Michigan is currently facing testing in relation to asbestos and other dangerous materials such as lead and silica. Countless children were being put at danger due to this possible exposure to these harmful, yet common, building materials. In spite of the fact that many of these materials were banned from use in buildings, buildings constructed before these bans are still at risk for contamination.
During a construction project on the school, the construction company Christman Company revealed that, “plaster possibly containing asbestos was breached due to the cutting, drilling, and construction work.” Superintendent Teresa Weatherall Neal immediately set to work and all of the students of North Park Montessori School were relocated to a separate learning facility. She also assured the public that, “Our work with a range of governmental agencies remains focused on ensuring that the facility is healthy and ready for use in the fall of 2019,’’
The school was shut down as of February 6, and is to receive testing by May 6. If there is in fact a dangerous amount of asbestos, an asbestos cleaning company will be sent in to assist with the situation. Superintendent Neal stated that, “Grand Rapids Public Schools, its expert asbestos consultants, and the other agencies continue to discuss any proposed conclusions about past asbestos exposure at North Park Montessori School.”
As the school works with the health department and EPA, this asbestos crisis will soon come to an end.