Washington lawmakers are currently working on a bill that would force asbestos contaminated childrens makeup to put labels and warning on their products they are selling. It was recently discovered that, along with many other deadly chemicals lurking in makeup, asbestos was a concern for contamination.
The mines used to mine out mica, silica, and other minerals and materials used in makeup, were found to have asbestos contamination in a recent expose. These substances being mined were dangerously close to asbestos deposits. As they were being mined, traces of asbestos snuck in with the other minerals and eventually found their way into makeup. A particular victim of this contamination is children and makeup marketed to children.
Makeup marketed to children is usually of a lower quality and contains ingredients that older consumers would not allow. This allows for childrens makeup to be cheaper and easier to make.
After it was found that makeup marketed to children did in fact have asbestos in it, Washington lawmakers Representative Debbie Dingle and Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky got to work. They created a bill that would force companies to put asbestos warning labels on possible asbestos containing makeup. For the labels to be removed, companies must prove that the mines they mined makeup materials from are completely asbestos free and that their products have no trace of asbestos in them.
Representative Debbie Dingle, the main sponsor of this bill stated that, “We at least need to label those products, as cigarettes are, so that someone knows willingly and knowingly they are using a products that endangers a child.”
Co-sponsor of the bill Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky backed up Representative Debbie Dingle by saying that, “I think there is an assumption that someone somewhere is protecting them. The average American uses about then of them every day and is exposed to about 126 unique chemicals from these products. This includes countless products marketed towards and used by children. I will continue to fight for full disclosure of the many chemicals in our products, including dangerous carcinogens like asbestos.”
Rep. Dingle and Congresswoman Schakowsky will continue to work diligently on bringing this bill to vote.