The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization is currently very upset with the Environmental Protection Agency regarding asbestos importation. The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization works to educate the public on asbestos related diseases and also pushes for less asbestos exposure to United States citizens.
The Environmental Protection Agency denied a petition signed by 15 attorney generals that would have forced them to acquire a record in regards to the activities of asbestos importers. The Environmental Protection Agency denied this petition, the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization claims that the Environmental Protection Agency is simply avoiding responsibility when it comes to asbestos. The Environmental Protection Agency claims that it doesn’t need to know the activities of the asbestos importers to know whether or not the process of importation is safe. The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization states that the Environmental Protection Agency is simply avoiding responsibility and claims that they also have been slacking off when it comes to the Toxic Substance Control Act.
Under the Toxic Substance Control Act, the EPA must do all that is in its power to protect the public from any toxic substances. Due to the efforts of the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization, asbestos was listed as one of the top ten most dangerous toxic substances, meaning that the EPA should be doing all that it can to prevent asbestos from harming the public.
Bob Sussman of the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization had this to say on the matter, “EPA’s lame and unconvincing denial of the petition for asbestos reporting by 15 influential state AGs is more evidence that EPA is opposed to transparency and uninterested in basing its decisions on real-world information from the companies who are responsible for exposing the public to asbestos. ADAO and other groups are challenging EPA’s denial of their similar petition in court and the Agency’s latest refusal to require reporting, even when requested by our largest states, will simply strengthen our legal case.”
Hopefully the ADAO will be able to fight against this ignorance of the Environmental Protection Agency.