Asbestos survey is of prime importance to identify the materials that could prove harmful for the workers and people living around as well as the precautions required to remove it. First of all, asbestos survey could be done based on the presumption that there is the presence of asbestos in a material. This could be confirmed in the laboratory using a technique called polarized light microscopy.
Asbestos survey can only be done by an accredited laboratory, certified by UKAS for complying with all the standards of calibration and testing. Asbestos survey and labeling the position and condition of asbestos in a particular property or premises is of utmost important. The asbestos if any has to be managed safely and asbestos survey throws light upon the type of asbestos present, its condition and the potential for finer release. The location of asbestos is also important to be spotted through asbestos survey to determine if the asbestos can be repaired or removed.
There are a lot of laws and regulations around asbestos survey. These work around asbestos insulation or coating, encapsulation etc for which license has to be obtained. Contractors who want to carry out asbestos survey tasks and asbestos removal also need to have a certification. Usually asbestos survey is broken down into some important steps.
The initial location inspection and assessment is very important. This step doesn’t cause any damage to the fabric of the building as it merely inspects the condition of the building and the premises and reports on the material present in the construction materials. This is followed by standard procedures like sampling, identification and assessment. Asbestos survey which could also be pre-demolition and major refurbishment surveys are carried out to get a good idea about the asbestos elements and the preparation of the asbestos register for the operatives.