Environmental violations are no laughing matter. They are extremely important and must be punished at the full extent that they can under the law. This is especially true for when the environment has been put at risk due to asbestos exposure. Asbestos exposure is terrible for the environment even though it is a naturally occurring mineral. Asbestos wreaks havoc all across where it goes, and manmade asbestos environmental contamination is not the same as natural asbestos growth in the earth’s crust.
A contractor in Delaware is currently facing almost 33,000 dollars in fines and penalties for putting the environment at risk due to reckless behavior regarding asbestos. A Secretary’s Order was placed on Ecoservices and the company from the Delaware Department of Environmental Resources and Environmental Control.
Even the Environmental Protection Agency has gotten involved in the matter. They were originally called when people surrounding a building demolition noticed mysterious clouds of dust in the air. These clouds of dust were suspected to be asbestos. Asbestos is made up of many tiny fibers, when these fibers are destroyed, they go into the air and form cloud like structures.
The dust was spreading across the entire neighborhood, potentially putting everyone in the neighborhood at risk. When asbestos is inhaled by people in the neighborhood, they are put at risk for diseases and cancers that are deadly. Mesothelioma in particular is an extremely debilitating disease that usually ends up with the person who contracts it dying.
The company is currently being investigated for their negligence and whether the dust was actually asbestos.
Another group associated with EcoServices stated that, “The continued safety of the local community and on-site workers has always been of paramount importance to Harvey Hanna & Associates as we redevelop the former General Motors plant on Boxwood Road. We have only recently learned of the issue between DNREC and EcoServices, and out of respect for the regulatory process, it would be inappropriate for us to comment further at this time.”
Hopefully justice will be served and the people who are recklessly handling asbestos will be persecuted.