Most buildings and houses constructed before the 70s used the asbestos siding a lot. Asbestos siding is made of asbestos pressed into siding shingles which could be manufactured in a variety of profiles, textures and sizes.
The addition of asbestos to cement was mostly because of the fire resistance and durability of asbestos siding along with the insulating capacity that it offered. Paining and cleaning of asbestos siding and upkeep costs are very low as well.
However, asbestos is now not used anymore because of the hazards posed by asbestos fibers to the health, causing diseases like mesotheolioma and asbestosis. There are many laws and regulations not only around its usage but also in the standards and procedures implemented for its removal.
In fact, asbestos siding can be removed only by certified contractors who have received prior training in dealing with asbestos as well as in the procedures and precautions that should be taken.
While you remove the asbestos siding, you should take it one step at a time, by removing the pieces of siding pulling out the nails. The siding should be prevented from cracking or crumbling as asbestos fibers getting mixed up in the dust could prove to be very harmful.
That is why a very important step to take is to wet the asbestos siding before you start the work. When this work is being done, ensure that everyone around who can be affected is warned, including people who might drop in.
Once you remove the siding, you will have to carefully collect everything in a plastic bag or a box that should be properly sealed before you get rid of it. The operatives you hire for removing the asbestos siding should also have the proper gear and equipment and should be certified by ARCA to ensure they are aware of the standard procedures.